Journey to the center of Pangea and its "Gold" treasures 300 million years ago.

By Dr. Stéphane D .



▪︎Presence of gold in the ancient continent.

▪︎Essay on the metallogeny of elements.

▪︎Mineralogy of gold 175 million years ago.

▪︎Remains and Treasures.

▪︎Gold under the Antarctic.



The megacontinent that 250 million years ago, Pangaea gathered most of the land surface, was considered uniform, and a vast land 

Pangaea (.supercontinent ) existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, before the continents separated into their current configurations. It formed about 335 million years ago and began to fragment about 175 million years ago. 

In terms of area, Pangaea covered about 148 million square kilometers, which is about 29% of the Earth's land surface. This enormous land mass included most of the areas that today constitute the continents of Africa, America, Eurasia, Australia and Antarctica. 

 The terrestrial resources at that time are considerable, whole and immense, vein spillways ran across the entire ancient continent, with gigantic metal caps, containing 75% of the terrestrial metallogenic resources. 

These (Dyke) at the time gigantic extended over immense surfaces, lead, copper, platinoids or even gold outcropped with power in immense plains, where life had taken shape.... 

Physical and metalliferous gold then appearing in immense veins erected by tectonics, in particular on this immense Hercynian mountain range. 

Pangea at the time is barred, at the equator, by a vast mountain range running from east to west, the Hercynian range.  The entire central zone, from 40° south to 40° north, is formed by vast deserts that cover the majority of current North America, South America, Africa and Europe. 

It is here in the heart of this chain that these formidable vein braids appear, they were then formed from the shocks of tectonism. 


The mineralization of elements such as gold runs through the ancient continent, we can then identify its geographical importance with current landmarks such as regions such as North America, Africa, Europe and Asia. 

The gîtological processes of formation will then be decisive for this geomorphological dispersion of gold such as subduction, metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration. 

We can note the fundamental principles of formations there. 

 1. "Subduction": When tectonic plates collide, gold in rocks undergoes metamorphic processes and is concentrated in subduction zones. 

2. "Hydrothermal alteration": Hot water laden with minerals flows through rocks, dissolving gold and depositing it in cracks to form gold-bearing veins. 

3. "Associated magmatism": Magmatic intrusions can release gold-rich fluids that are deposited in surrounding rocks as gold-bearing minerals


According to modern mineralogical ideology, there are some edified and edifying examples of extremely substantial modern deposits. 

We will take the one that seems to us the most exemplary, "the gold of California". Indeed, when these fabulous deposits were discovered, the quality and quantity of these ancient deposits was remarkable. 

Gold in pieces of one to two ounces was collected in the rivers at first manually and without tools, this "linear" placer coming from a fossil deposit left significant quantities appearing. 

It is believed that 300 million years ago on our fossil continent, we could find giant veins equipped with extremely large "dykes" containing quantities of fine gold, directly propelled by the earth's crust from the depths of the earth. 

 This type of terrestrial ascent suggests extremely pure gold, because it was leached by powerful hydrothermal flows leaving behind them, markers of quartz deposits with gold plates of several hundred kilos, evidence of the telluric power of tectonics and terrestrial metamorphism. 

The gold therefore lay on the pointed arcs of the high Hercynian peaks, powerful tectonic landscapes and probably also drawn by volcanism and a formidable seismic upheaval. 

These veins extended over hundreds of kilometers with powers certainly approaching 30 meters in diameter, the quantity of gold could reach at that time 900 to 1000 kilos per 100 meters. 

 When the continents separated 175 million years ago, the erosion and dispersion of these supra-super gold veins probably destroyed most of them, some of which are now at the bottom of the oceans, while others were. The orogeny would have dispersed all of these vein groups during the uplift of these mountains, which were gigantic and untouched at the time. 

This phase has left traces today, which are insignificant compared to this extremely ancient period. The veins at the time of the Proterozoic age 2.5 billion years ago were a distant testimony of these formations, an age when the gold of the earth was still only hydrothermal fluids embedded in complex compounds rising from ancient magmatic depths. 

Gold was therefore abundantly present in these vein forms on the ancient continent (Pangea).


We have seen that this presence of gold and elements in Pangea was partly due to the ancient and eternal ages of the Proterozoic, a chemical beginning where the earth was born from its chemical belly. 

The crystallization of gold and its deposits was essentially due to nascent forms, in particular vein anchors in the heart of the Hercynian massif. 

This presence testifies to extremely violent telluric forces, including gigantic pressures that lifted the earth's crust to trigger a metamorphism of which we can still find traces today. 

The veins of extraordinary power ran along the Hercynian chain, with significant thrusts. 

 It can be believed from this time of gigantism, that pockets of pressure had seen the birth of high temperature phases of gold veins with large crystallizations. 

The cubic system that will generate this composition, had undoubtedly built mineralized cathedrals of magnitude, pockets or so-called "Druses" of spacing filled faults like bubbles, more precisely pockets like we still find today but with much less importance. 

These sharp veins, which could then be entirely crystallized, covered immense rocky territories on immense surfaces, there too before their dissolution and the breakup of Pangea 175 million years ago. 

The geomorphological organization of the Hercynian chain extended over more than 4000 kilometers long and on average 400 kilometers wide reaching heights of 3 to 4000 m above sea level. 

 The folding zones included significant subduction hooks, sometimes several kilometers wide. 

It is in these zones that the vein banks were torn apart by the force of the earth's crust, leaving vein zones exposed. 

The free gold exposed to erosion attacks filled the depression basins, to feed vast alluvial basins of gigantic sizes. 

The gold was then trapped in these immense depressions, which later transformed into fossil "pudding", adding to the existing much older deposits dating from the metamorphic Archean and Proterozoic, close to 3 billion years. 

The gold stuck in these very old conglomerates not only found the classic alluvial forms due to erosive mechanical actions, but these original forms were sometimes preserved, in more or less deformed crystals, again by sedimentary mechanics. 

 We can thus believe that these ancient veins were also very mineralized in "free gold" also due to the hydrothermal transports of importance, also accompanied by enormous deposits of sulfides, and meta-sulfides. The accumulations of the crystallized networks in the hearts of the vein zones were so dense, that the chlorides transporting elements and compounds, flooded the plutonic rocks with eratic gold deposits and outside of all paragenesis. 

This gold then, secondary can reach abnormally high concentrations, in areas where normally no deposit of elements. 

Today we can find traces of these immense zones mineralized in gold, at the bottom of the oceans at extremely great depths, "Abysses" where we find gold veins from the Proterozoic, or which date from the ancient Hercynian mountain range. 

 These traces give evidence of the extent of these phenomena and the wealth of raw materials and precious elements such as gold and platinum from this extremely distant era.


It is indeed at the bottom of the oceans at depths that are currently inaccessible, that the traces of these distant and very ancient times lie. 

Gold is trapped there forever and thousands of tons or even millions of tons of gold lie there forever. 

On land, the traces of the past and of this super continent, which was "Pangea" are still visible to this day. 

Africa and its "Rand" or the gold of the Rockies and California, which were once the immense history of the conquest of man and its riches. 

The Alps still contain a lot of gold that is hidden in its entrails. 

Large continents such as South America, or the United States, are among the witnesses of this vast geological history or if man had been present he would have walked on gold as we walk today on stones. 

 The United States, in their center and in the far north from Alaska to the Rocky Mountains, have the last traces of the deposits of Pangea, with significant metamorphism, and dissolutions of ancient fossil veins that are found today scattered in the history of the Genesis of the gold deposits of Upper California. 


Among the many vestiges of the separation of the continents and Pangea there is a very special case that requires special interest and attention. 

It was during scientific research on the very old continent that a team of international researchers discovered the unthinkable. 

Started in 1980, a series of drillings reached 2,202 meters in 1985. From this three-ton core, he took 2,000 samples.  After examining and searching for traces of gas dating back 425 thousand years, it was then that the researchers noticed that the drillings had crossed a hard layer of rock containing a large quantity of gold. 

It is also on Ross Island that one of the most active volcanoes is located: Mount Erebus, the southernmost on earth, which peaks at almost 4000 meters above sea level and has been active for more than half a century. 

During these regular and sometimes intense eruptions, accompanied by water vapor and gas, it appears in a number of very complete analyses that it spews, during these eruptions, gases containing nanometric and millimetric crystals of gold. 

The daily quantity of these gold discharges reaches up to 100 g of fine gold, or about a little more than 3 kilos of gold per month. 

 The remains of Pangea are still inaccessible, but a lot of gold could also be found under the ice.

The ice layer can be up to 4,000 m thick in places. It lies directly on a bedrock, but while in East Antarctica this bedrock is above sea level, in West Antarctica it can be more than 2,500 m below.


The ancient continent during its fragmentation and the separation of the plates, which today form our current continents, left us the traces of a fabulous treasure that saw 300 million years ago, the very beginnings of the birth of life. 

At that time whose gigantism we have barely dared to imagine, the earth's crust was an open safe, where tellurism forged our contemporary history. 

These are therefore billions of tons of pure chemical elements, which were found in immense Filolian pits, dislocated by the power of the elements and the force of a nascent Genesis. 

Today our industries, our philosophical and capital values, still seek to seize this treasure that the gods and the universe have left us as a legacy, perhaps for one single reason since man has been man: immortality.  

Stephane D Ganay 

Geolog   ical Engineer.

Mineralogist / Micro'-mineralogy.

Metallogeny of rare elements.

Metallogeny of radionuclide elements.

Metallogeny of ancient civilizations.

Researcher in Major Risks.