By Dr Stéphane D Ganay. Geological Engineer. Mineralogist / Micro-mineralogy.  Metallogeny of rare elements.

The presence of gold under the sea has been known for a long time. The oceans contain a significant amount of dissolved gold, but the concentration is relatively low, on the order of a few parts per billion. However, there are underwater gold deposits that can be mined.
Underwater gold deposits form in several ways. One of the main sources is the deposition of gold particles transported by rivers and rivers that flow into the ocean. Ocean currents then transport these particles to the seabed where they can accumulate and form gold deposits. Hydrothermal vents are another important source of underwater gold deposits. Underwater volcanic eruptions release metal-rich minerals, including gold, which can accumulate in surrounding areas.

The importance of underwater gold lies in the fact that terrestrial gold reserves are dwindling, while the demand for gold continues to grow. Underwater gold deposits therefore represent an opportunity for mining industries to find new sources of gold. However, the exploitation of these deposits is complex and expensive.
The Atlantic backbone is an area particularly rich in underwater gold deposits. Several ocean trenches have been identified in this region, including the Puerto Rico Trench, the Cayman Trench, and the Barbados Trench. These pits are located at depths ranging from 5,000 to 7,000 meters.

Underwater gold deposits in the Atlantic Backbone are mainly of two types: polymetallic nodules and hydrothermal sulphides. Polymetallic nodules are formations of varying size that can contain gold, silver, copper, nickel, and cobalt, among other metals. Hydrothermal sulphides are metal-rich mineral deposits that form around hydrothermal vents.
 Research has been conducted to study underwater gold deposits in the Atlantic backbone and in other parts of the world.  Exploitation projects have also been proposed, but most are still at the research and development stage.  The technical and environmental challenges associated with underwater mining are significant and require significant investment in research and development.


Hydrothermal springs are vents located on the seabed that emit hot, mineral-rich water. These vents are often associated with areas of submarine volcanic activity and can be found at depths ranging from a few hundred to several thousand meters.
Deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic are known to host deposits of gold and other rare metals. These deposits are formed through the complex geological processes that take place around hydrothermal vents. Deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic are primarily associated with two types of gold deposits: massive sulphides and filamentary sulphides.
Massive sulphides are metal-rich mineral deposits that form around hydrothermal vents. They are formed by the precipitation of minerals from hot water emitted from vents. Massive sulphides can contain gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cobalt and other metals.

Filamental sulphides are mineral deposits that form along sulphide filaments that develop around hydrothermal vents. These filaments are formed by the accumulation of mineral particles carried by the hot water emitted by the vents. Filament sulphides can contain gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cobalt and other metals.

The presence of gold around deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic is due to the presence of metal-rich hydrothermal fluids. These fluids are formed by the interaction of seawater with hot rocks below the seabed. When these fluids rise to the surface through hydrothermal vents, they can precipitate metal-rich minerals, including gold.
The formation of gold deposits around deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic is a complex process that involves several chemical reactions. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a key compound in the formation of these deposits. When seawater comes into contact with hot rocks under the seabed, it dissolves and reacts with minerals in the rocks to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4). This acid then reacts with the metal sulphides present in the rocks to form hydrogen sulphide.

The hydrogen sulfide then reacts with the metals dissolved in the water to form metal sulfides.

Gold can be present in deep hydrothermal vents in the form of solid particles or metal ion complexes. Solid gold particles can form by precipitation from gold-rich hydrothermal fluids, while gold metal ion complexes can form in the presence of chelating agents such as sodium disulfide (NaHS) or sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3).

Gold metal ion complexes can then be reduced to form solid gold particles. The reduction can be carried out by sulfur metabolizing bacteria, or by the interaction of seawater with rocks rich in iron and sulfur. Solid gold particles can then accumulate around hydrothermal vents to form gold deposits.

Gold deposits associated with deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic can have very high gold concentrations. Average gold concentrations in massive sulphides can reach several grams per tonne of ore, while concentrations in filamentary sulphides can reach several hundred grams per tonne of ore.

Mining gold deposits associated with deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic is technically difficult and expensive due to the extreme environmental conditions and depths involved. However, several exploration and mining projects have been proposed in this region, including the Solwara 1 project in Papua New Guinea and the Clarion-Clipperton Trough massive sulphide project in the Pacific.

 Gold can be present around deep hydrothermal vents in the Atlantic in the form of solid particles or complexes of metal ions.  The gold deposits associated with these hydrothermal vents can have very high gold concentrations, but mining these deposits is technically difficult and expensive due to the extreme environmental conditions and depths involved.


Gold mining from deep ocean hydrothermal vents is an ongoing research topic and there is as yet no commercially viable mining technique for this resource.
However, some techniques are being developed that could potentially be used to mine this gold. Here are some examples :

1. Leaching: This technique involves dissolving gold in a solution and then recovering the gold from the solution using precipitation techniques. This method has been successfully tested on gold samples from hydrothermal vents.

2. Electrochemical extraction: this technique uses electrodes to extract gold from rock. It has been successfully tested on gold samples from hydrothermal vents.

3. Gravity mining: this method involves using the force of gravity to separate the gold from other materials. This technique has been used successfully in the exploitation of alluvial gold, but it could also be adapted for the exploitation of gold from hydrothermal vents.

4. Underwater robots: Underwater robots could be used to collect gold samples from hydrothermal vents. This method has already been used to collect samples of ores and rocks from the seabed.

 It is important to note that mining gold from deep hydrothermal vents is a complex and expensive process that requires advanced technology.  Moreover, the environmental impact of this exploitation is still largely unknown and must be carefully studied before any large-scale implementation.


Mining gold from deep ocean hydrothermal vents is currently more of a scientific research topic than a viable commercial venture for mining companies. However, some mining companies and private companies have begun to invest in research and development of technologies for the exploitation of these resources.

The exploitation of gold from hydrothermal vents may be relevant for future space missions and the colonization of Mars. Hydrothermal vents are present on Mars and could potentially contain gold as well as other precious and useful metals for space missions. The techniques developed for the exploitation of gold from hydrothermal vents on Earth could therefore potentially be adapted for the exploitation of these resources on Mars.

There is a connection between deep ocean missions and space missions to Mars in terms of resource exploration and exploitation. Deep-sea missions aim to explore extreme environments, such as hydrothermal vents, which may contain valuable resources like gold, copper, zinc, and other metals. These resources are potentially useful for industry and technology, and their exploitation could have commercial applications.

In the same way, the space missions for Mars aim to explore and exploit the resources present on the red planet. Scientists hope to find minerals and precious metals such as iron, nickel, copper and zinc, as well as resources such as water and atmospheric gases. These resources could be used to support space missions and the colonization of Mars.
Techniques developed for the exploration and exploitation of deep hydrothermal vents can be adapted to explore and exploit resources on Mars. For example, underwater robots used to explore hydrothermal vents can be adapted to explore caves and caverns on Mars, where resources could be preserved. Mining techniques developed for mining gold from hydrothermal vents can also be adapted for mining on Mars.

It is important to note that the exploration and exploitation of resources on Mars raises important ethical and environmental questions, particularly with regard to the impact on the Martian environment and potential ecosystems. Scientists and policy makers must therefore carefully weigh the benefits and risks of mining on Mars before making decisions about it.

Mining on Mars raises significant ethical and environmental questions, particularly regarding the impact on the Martian environment and potential ecosystems.
Scientists, science and policy makers must therefore carefully weigh the benefits and risks of mining on Mars before making decisions about it.

Dr Stephane D Ganay. Geological Engineer . Mineralogist / Micro'-mineralogy. Metallogeny of rare elements. Metalogeny of radionuclides. metallogenesis of ancient civilizations. Researcher in Major Risks. / ISBN 77689. - 3388. 2023.