From the particle of God, From Einstein's theory of relativity, and the particle of gold, in space time


Did you know that the theory of quantum relativity and gold particles are closely related.  !?  Well here we are going to find out, during my research for nearly 40 years, on the nativity of metals and elements, gold has always held a prominent place in it.
It was in the 1990s that a world episode of modern science was played out discreetly. Indeed, it is at the heart of the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva that researchers will develop one of the pages in the history of quantum theory that Albert Einstein will show the world.

It is in the heart of the stars far, far away that the golden particles projected at the speed of light, revolve around the stars to end up dying in the Abyssal Void of the three blacks,
In 1992, CERN will project a gold particle into its particle accelerator at the prodigious speed of 299,792,458 m/s, or the speed of light.
We are very close to god, will launch a researcher, the electromagnetic waves and the force that this experience has caused opens up immense quantum research prospects, for the understanding of the fossil energy of a universe constantly in extension and a prodigious future of the human species.


The principle of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the nature of space and time.  There is no direct link between the principle of relativity and gold.  However, gold was used to test one of the predictions of the theory of relativity, namely the deflection of light around a massive object.  This deviation was observed during a solar eclipse in 1919, thus confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity.

L'or n'a pas été utilisé spécifiquement pour tester le principe de la relativité, mais plutôt pour tester une prédiction spécifique de la relativité générale d'Einstein, à savoir la déviation de la lumière autour d'un objet massif. En 1919, lors d'une éclipse solaire, une équipe de scientifiques britanniques a observé les positions apparentes des étoiles situées près du soleil, dont la lumière a été déviée par la gravité de celui-ci. Les observations ont montré que les positions apparentes des étoiles étaient légèrement décalées par rapport à leurs positions attendues, confirmant ainsi la prédiction de la relativité générale. Les lentilles gravitationnelles, qui sont des effets similaires à celui observé lors de l'éclipse solaire, sont observées régulièrement aujourd'hui et jouent un rôle important dans l'étude de l'univers et de la physique fondamentale.

Les équations utilisées pour l'expérience de l'éclipse solaire de 1919 étaient celles de la relativité générale d'Einstein. Plus précisément, l'équation utilisée pour calculer la déviation de la lumière autour du Soleil est connue sous le nom d'équation de la géodésique. Cette équation décrit la courbure de l'espace-temps dans la présence d'une masse, et permet de prédire la trajectoire de la lumière qui passe près d'un objet massif tel que le Soleil. Les observations de l'éclipse solaire ont montré que la déviation de la lumière correspondait à celle prédite par la relativité générale, confirmant ainsi la validité de cette théorie.

L'équation de la géodésique en relativité générale est donnée par :

 d²x^μ/dτ² + Γ^μ_αβ dx^α/dτ dx^β/dτ = 0

where x^μ are the spacetime coordinates, τ is the proper time (the time measured by an observer moving with the particle), Γ^μ_αβ is the Christoffel symbol that describes the curvature of space  -time and dx^μ/dτ is the derivative of x^μ with respect to the proper time τ.


This equation describes the trajectory of a particle moving in a space-time curved by the presence of a mass. By solving this equation for the path of light around the Sun, one can predict the deviation of light observed during the solar eclipse of 1919.
Gold, as a material, was not used in the 1919 solar eclipse experiment to test general relativity. However, the properties of gold can be used in other applications related to relativity.

For example, gold nanocrystals can be used to study black hole physics. Black holes are extremely dense astronomical objects that distort the spacetime around them. Gold nanocrystals, when placed near a black hole, can be used to detect the effects of spacetime curvature caused by the black hole. By measuring the response of gold nanocrystals, scientists can better understand the physics of black holes and general relativity.

 Moreover, Einstein's special relativity predicts that the mass of an object increases with its speed.  This prediction has been confirmed experimentally by particle physics experiments using particle accelerators such as the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN.  In these experiments, gold particles are accelerated to speeds close to that of light, which makes it possible to measure their relativistic mass and confirm Einstein's prediction.

Although gold was not used specifically and solely to test general relativity in the 1919 solar eclipse experiment, its properties can be used in other relativity-related applications, such as  study of black holes and the experimental confirmation of the prediction of special relativity on the increase in mass with speed.


When gold particles are accelerated to speeds close to that of light, Einstein's special relativity predicts that their relativistic mass increases. This increase in mass can be mathematically described by the following equation:
m = m0 / sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)

where m is the relativistic mass of the particle, m0 is its rest mass, v is its velocity and c is the speed of light in vacuum.
The above formula shows that the closer the particle's speed gets to that of light, the more its relativistic mass increases. When the speed of the particle reaches the speed of light, its relativistic mass becomes infinite.

In addition to relativistic mass increase, accelerating gold particles to near-light speeds can also lead to time dilation and length contraction effects, as predicted by special relativity. These effects can be mathematically described by the following equations:

t' = t / sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)
L' = L * sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)

where t is the time measured by an observer at rest, t' is the time measured by an observer moving with the particle, L is the length of the object in the frame at rest and L' is the length of the object in the moving reference frame with the particle.

These equations show that the closer the particle's speed approaches that of light, the more the time measured by a moving observer with the particle slows down and the more the length of the moving object is contracted with respect to its length at rest .


According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it is not possible to exceed the speed of light in a vacuum.  This speed is considered a fundamental limit of the universe, and no particle or information can exceed it.

If an accelerated particle or object reaches the speed of light, its relativistic mass would become infinite and it would take an infinite amount of energy to keep accelerating it.  In other words, it is impossible to reach or exceed the speed of light.

If one assumes that it is possible to exceed the speed of light, it would have strange and counter-intuitive consequences, such as the possibility of time travel.  However, these hypothetical consequences go against the basic laws of physics and are considered impossible in our universe.

In the theory of general relativity, a wormhole is a theoretical solution of Einstein's field equations that would connect two distant points in spacetime by creating a shortcut. However, wormholes are hypothetical objects and their existence has not yet been proven.


If a wormhole existed, it would theoretically offer the possibility of traveling faster than the speed of light while avoiding the limits imposed by special relativity. However, to traverse a wormhole, one would need to be able to control its opening, stability and orientation, which is currently beyond our technological reach.
Furthermore, it is important to note that wormholes have profound implications for fundamental physics and raise questions about the very nature of spacetime. Their study is therefore an active and exciting area of research in cosmology and theoretical and quantum physics.
The pedzo-conductivity of the subatomic particles of gold gives this metal, in addition to these optical, technical, and physico-chemical properties, exceptional quantum and mathematical qualities, which leads one to believe that if one day finds equations mathematically, to crack the last frontier between man and quantum physics, it will be partly thanks to gold,

But that's another story......

Geological Engineer .
Mineralogist / Micro'-mineralogy.
Metallogeny of rare elements.
Metalogeny of radionuclides.
metallogenesis of ancient civilizations.
Researcher in Major Risks.